


SUBJECT: Physical Education



Physical Education is a course in which K-2 students learn fundamental loco-motor skills. They also learn cooperation and sportsmanship skills that are practiced on a daily basis. Coordination development is also an integral aspect of K-2 Physical Education.


1. The students will use cooperation skills during class.

2. Exhibits fundamental loco-motor skills.

3. Demonstrates sportsmanship during game activities.

4. Illustrates hand-eye coordination skills.

5. Identify and use different body parts during stretching and exercises.

6. Define basic rules of play during team activities.



Benchmark 1: The students will use cooperation skills during class.


A. Demonstrates sharing during group activities.

B. Identify the importance of working together.

C. Raises hand and doesn't interrupt when they want to speak.

Benchmark 2: Exhibits fundamental loco-motor skills.


A. Illustrates running, skipping, galloping, and hopping form.

B. Practices loco-motor skills during basic game activities.

C. Uses different combinations of movements. (examples: locomotor, variations of speed, and rhythms)

Benchmark 3: Demonstrates sportmanship during game activities.


A. Uses compliments and encouragement instead of put downs.

B. List behaviors that exhibit good sportsmanship. (example: shaking hands)

C. Demonstrates sportmanship through verbal and non-verbal communication.

Benchmark 4: Illustrates hand-eye coordination skills.


A. Demonstrates catching skills during class.

B. Demonstrates hitting and batting skills during groups activities, (examples include: T-ball and pillo-pollo)

C. List activites that improve hand-eye coordination.

Benchmark 5: Identify and use different body parts during stretching and exercises.


A. Understands basic stretching concepts. (examples include: space, twisting, and balancing)

B. Engages in activities that build strength and endurance.

C. Knows the different body parts and why they need exercise.

Benchmark 6: Define basic rules of play during team activities.


A. Understands the purpose of rules.

B. Uses equipment with respect.